Monday, October 25, 2010

The Best Fallout: New Vegas Mods - Week 1

Okay folks, Mr. Vegas here filling in for Mr. Vegas who usually fills in for Mr. Vegas. Let's talk about something we're all anxiously waiting for: Fallout: New Vegas mods. While there's no comprehensive difficulty changer as of yet, there are a number of graphical and game-enhancing mods available right now. That's right, not even one week's passed since the release of Fallout: New Vegas and there are already 537 files hosted over at the New Vegas Nexus. So let's get down to the nitty-gritty and talk about what mods you should be playing Fallout: New Vegas with right now!

Oh, and by the way, don't have Fallout: New Vegas yet? Then you're definitely missing out, particularly if you loved or even just liked Fallout 3. You can grab a copy (cheaper than most places, to boot) on PC here, here on PS3, or on the 360 here. Keep in mind that only the PC and PS3 versions can have mods installed while 360 owners will get exclusive DLC later on.

So without any further ado, onward to our feature presentation! (And this time in descending order!)

1. d3d9 awesome perf fix - Right now, even if you ignore every other item on this list, you have to get this one. It fixes a ton of the performance issues most people have been having with Fallout: New Vegas.

Now, I'm not going to lie, I don't really know how this works. But with that being said, I will testify that it does work. Test it out for yourself, see if it works or not. I know that I gained 16+ FPS when I used it (keep in mind this was on Ultra with a rig built for gaming) and that's why I say there's more to gain than to lose in this case!

2. MTUI - This changes the default UI so that it looks better on resolutions set at 1024x768 and above. It scales up the fonts, makes the trader barter UIs a ton more friendly, and adds a bunch of other stuff. If you're like me, this is a definite must, especially if you don't feel like scrolling through all the items listed in Misc and Aid on your Pipboy 8 at a time.

3. URWL for New Vegas - Realistic Lighting and Color - This is what I consider the "Fellout" for Fallout: New Vegas. I don't know why it is that green seems to be all the rage in Bethesda's Fallouts, but maybe that's just because I don't care for it too much. Either way, thsi is worth playing with, even if it's to add a bit of color (or in this case, take away) to the environment.

4. CONELRAD 640-1240 - Civil Defense Radio - I know Mr. Vegas sometimes sounds like a broken record about the traders not being seen in Nipton and I know you're probably sick and tired of hearing Johnny Guitar, Johnny. So what can you do about it? Add a new radio station that fits the atmosphere of New Vegas!

"What's it add?" you might ask. Well, let's take a look:
2 hours, 20 minutes of Music across 55 tracks
22 minutes of PSAs & Civil Defense
Custom station host dialogue.

In other words, it gives some much-needed relief from the six songs that seem to be present in Fallout: New Vegas' radio stations by default so that Johnny won't be playing that guitar again and again and.. again.

5. FOOK for New Vegas - While it's not a must-have yet considering there's barely any content for it, you know ti will be soon. This is a port of FOOK for Fallout 3 to Fallout: New Vegas, by the same team, so you know it'll be good.

6. Better Binoculars - This isn't a must-have, but if you're like me and wish the binoculars had a bit of zoom, then you need this mod. (To be frank, I threw mine away after I got my first sniper rifle considering they both have the same default zoom.)

Now you can spot those Gecko's from much farther away as it should be!